Well, it is official. My summer is over. I start back to work Monday morning at 8:30am. Once the school year starts I will be so busy with work, church, children, cheerleading, school, and ministry I will probably forget to blog. Not that any of you really care but let me just run down the list of how my day will go once school starts back.
First of all just having to get up at 5:30am every day is a challenge because I love to sleep. Then it's rush, rush, rush to get everybody dressed, fed, lunches made and on duty by 7:15. Now, I only work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but I a still responsible for getting my kids up and out the door and to school by 8am.
Monday Schedule
7:15 on duty to recieve kids.
8:15 begin teaching my first music class of prek-3 and continue teaching until 3pm
3:30- 6pm Cheer practice with my cheer team.
6pm home to do homework with 2 kids, cook supper, get baths, wash a load of laundry, clean kitchen, brush teeth, get lunches, clothes, backpacks ready for the next day. Spend some time together as a family and then send the kids to bed by 8:30pm and if we are lucky DW and I get to bed by 10pm.
Rise and shine and get kids fed, clothed, and to school by 8am.
8am get my self dressed and Mason dressed.
9:30 Take Mason to Mrs. Natalies (his babysitter) and then head off to AC for PE for elementary ed children. This class is 11:25-12:45. Get to HCS to do some work until staff meeting at 3:30-5pm then off to soccer practice with Mckenzi and Madison. Then home to do our usual night time routine.
Same as Monday schedule but add church to that from 5:30-9pm. Then home for our usual night time routine.
Same as Tuesday schedule
Same as Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule.
But don't forget to add in there that DW is coaching soccer for HCS and they have games in September and October on the weeknights and my cheerleaders are cheering for all basketball games in December and January.
I also have a musical to put on in November and then Choir competition in February along with another musical in February also.
Also, along with the day class I am taking at AC I am taking an online coarse from AC Composition and Literature.
Then on the 2nd Saturday we have Brandon Park
3rd Saturday we have SPLAT Ministries
4th Saturday we have the homeless we feed in Houston.
Now do I tell you all of this to brag on myself? Not at all because I absolutely love my job at HCS. I do not consider it a job at all, I consider it a ministry. I love what I do and I know that is what I am suppose to be doing.
The AC schooling is not necessarily my decision but I believe that God has put my back against the wall to push me to do it or else I would not be doing it. So, he is giving me the Grace to make it through and with straight A's at that. It is only by the Grace of God that I am able to continue with college.
Then I believe that God has added this new ministry of SPLAT ministries to be able to minister to even more kids.
Do I get tired? Of course, just like each one of you gets tired from time to time. But I would not have it any other way.
I am with my kids everyday, I know what they are learning, I see them in every competition, in every play, I am very much involved in their daily lives and getting paid for it. So it isn't so bad. I love what I do.
Am I dredding going back? Yes, just because the summer went by so fast, but once I get back into the swing of things I will be fine.
So maybe I will blog on the events of my life from time to time but hopefully, they won't be as long as this one.
13 years ago
I asked DW if that was you and he promised and swore to me he had no idea who scooter was.
i knew you has asked him. and at the time he didnt know . Todd asked me yesterday if i was scooter. so i figured i better come clean w/ everyone .
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